Middle Fork of the American River, California
The 201 troy ounce Fricot Nugget. Found in the This nugget can still be viewed at the California Mining
Museum in Mariposa.
Prospect some of the Best Gold Ground in California! The Middle Fork of the American River and the surrounding areas have been producing Gold since the start of the California Gold Rush. There are some mining claims in this area that have been maintained for over 100 years and are still producing gold. On our FootPrint of the Middle Fork of the American River, the prospector will have the ONLY maps available showing the location of:
The Middle Fork of the American River watershed is one of the most popular prospecting destinations in California. And there are still many excellent areas available for the gold seeker to prospect. FootPrints makes it easy to find them. We have mapped in detail, the geology, including the Tertiary Gravels. We provide at least three different map layers to help you located this rich source of California gold. With 70 selectable map layers designed for prospectors, a huge searchable database, detailed reports & documents, tools for measuring & drawing, and GPS capabilities, you have everything you need to: Map Your Own Way to the California Gold ! |
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The Middle Fork of the American River Mining Districts: Michigan Bluff, Canada Hill, Last Chance, Volcanoville, Duncan Peak, Georgetown, Westville, Forest Hill, Ralston. Deadwood, Mosquito Ridge, Georgia Slide, Mammoth Bar, Greek Store, Horseshoe Bar, Big Gun, Spanish Dry Diggins. These are all famous gold-bearing places on our Middle Fork of the American River FootPrint.
Middle Fork American FootPrint All the Details MinerDiggins has mapped in detail, 267 square miles or 170,000 acres of the Middle Fork of the American River drainage basin. This FootPrint follows the river from confluence with the North Fork upstream to French Meadows Reservoir. It follows the Rubicon from the confluence to Tunnel Hill and the North Fork of the Middle Fork to its headwaters near Duncan Peak. The area includes about 20,000 acres of the Auburn State Recreation Area open to prospecting. With 70 selectable map layers to choose from, you can focus your efforts on the most likely places to find the Gold. Here is a just a sample of what map layers are available. (Click for Full Layer List) Especially for the Prospector: Placer & Lode Claims, Mineral Withdrawals for Power Sites, Reclamation Etc., Mineral Patents, Historic Places. Base Layers: Aerial Imagery, Topo Maps, Shaded Relief and more. Transportation: Roads & Trails Land Status: Ownership, Patents, PLSS, & County Parcels Hydrology: Rivers, Lakes & Streams, Water Basins and Subbasins. Geology: Tertiary Gravels, Local Geologic Maps & Reports, Historic Geologic Maps. With a searchable database, locating historical places is easy. Type in the place you are looking for and zoom to it on the map.Detailed geologic maps & reports, detailed mining history, land patent documents, and actual claims location filings are just some of the supporting documents provided with each FootPrint. FootPrints puts you on the map! |