Welcome to Ripple!
Ripple is the community side of Miner Diggins Adventures.
On our journeys as prospectors and mapmakers we've met a lot of great folks in the prospecting community. We want to share what we've learned and help the community to grow and prosper in their efforts to find that elusive GOLD.
We also like to have a little fun.
So browse around....you never know what treasures you may discover.
Click Here to Visit Ripple's Home Page
The Ripple Library
The Ripple Library provides information on prospecting, mining laws, maps, geology and much more. All available for free download.
Ruby's Ripple Blog
Ruby hopes to inspire with links to her favorite research sites and tips to help navigate the information jungle.
Clay's Gold Porn Pages
This is Clay's contribution to the community pages. If GOLD gets you excited like it does Clay you might wanna take a peek inside.
Reader submissions welcome, privacy respected.