Rich Hill / Stanton

Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0
Yavapai County, AZ

Rich Hill in Yavapai County, Arizona is famous for the size and quality of the high karat gold that it has produced consistently over the last century.

It is also famous for its history. Stanton, Weaver, the Octave Mine, the Beehive, the Devils Nest, and the Potato Patch are all names familiar to the prospectors around Rich Hill and around the world.

Home to the Lost Dutchman's Mining Association (LDMA) Stanton Camp, this area is steeped in mining history and still producing gold on a daily basis.

Less than 2 hours northwest of Phoenix, this FootPrint maps one of the best gold prospecting areas in the Southwest.

Click to See full map extent

FootPrint Details

The Stanton / Rich Hill FootPrint covers approximately 52 square miles, centered around Stanton at the base of Rich Hill. The extent includes almost the full reach of Antelope and Weaver Creeks and the lands northwest of Stanton up to Yarnell.

In addition to the Standard map layers, we have many custom layers including Patents, Mining Claims, & Water Flow .

The biggest question on Rich Hill is .."Where can I prospect?" Our Stanton / Rich Hill FootPrint provides you with the answer using several custom data layers.

Land Ownership & Patents
In the area covered by this FootPrint there are over 80 Land Patents. Including Homesteads, Mineral Placer, and Mineral Lode Claims.

You need to know who owns the surface and subsurface rights to know where you can prospect. We clearly map land ownership so you can know when you are on BLM, State or Private land.

We provide a custom map layer, showing the boundaries of all Land Patents in the area along with a database that tells you if the mineral rights were transferred with the patent. An actual copy of the patent is provided where available.


Mining Claims
This area of Arizona is one of the most sought after places to make a claim. We have mapped over 350 mining claims on this FootPrint and provided copies of the County Filings for each of them.

This is an absolute must if you want to stake a claim on Rich Hill.

We also identify over 30 Claims that can be prospected by joining one of the local Prospecting Clubs.