Standard Map Layers

Prospectors need specific information regarding land ownership of the area they want to prospect. In order to file a claim or obtain detailed land ownership information, it is important to be able to identify your Township, Range and Section.

FootPrints will show you who owns the land and if Federal, what agency manages the land. If lands are withdrawn from Mineral Entry, FootPrints maps the boundaries of the withdrawn areas.

FoorPrints maps the Legal Land Description displaying the Meridian, Township, Range and Section (MTRS) references for the area.


A color coded ownership layer shows you who owns the land. Private, BLM, Nat'l Forest and other lands are clearly differentiated.

FootPrints will also map any lands withdrawn from Mineral Entry.



The MTRS Layers allow you to know the Legal Land Description of an area including the Federal survey numbers.

Each FootPrint provides three layers to display the Legal Land Description;

MTR - Meridian, Township and Range
Quarter Sections - Quarter Sections and Alliquots.




Patented land is Private land.

Not all Patented lands were given mineral rights along with the surface rights. Some remain with the Federal Government.

FootPrints provides a digital copy of each original Patent issued for all patented land on the map.