From the Mohave County Miner - March 3, 1885


In the Lost Basin district many and strange discoveries have been made during the past three or four weeks which prove conclusively that in years gone by mining was conducted on a large scale in this portion, the gold region, of Mohave county. How many men were engaged in the undertaking will probably never be known as it is evident from the recent discoveries that many of them met their death from the hands of the Indians while prosecuting their search for gold, and of those who escaped if any, nothing has ever been heard.

There are many of our readers who have heard of the 'Lost Shaft' in the Lost Basin district, and probably some of them have visited it. It lies about six miles northwest of Patterson's wells, and many a hardy prospector has come across it in the last five years and probably speculated on the fate of those who had the temerity to mine it. There is a tradition among the miners here that the work was done by a party of Mormons on their way to Utah, some of whom took the gold fever and left the main part to prosecute their search for gold and most likely forfeited their lives in so doing. As the old main-traveled Mormon road runs within a few miles of the place, this story is probably correct. A Few weeks ago, we are told, a lady visited Fred Nobmann's house at Hackberry siding, and stated that many years ago her husband, who is now dead, was in this portion of Arizona engaged in mining, but was driven out by the Indians and many of his companions killed. He had given her a good description of the locality and told her if, as then appeared very unlikely, she should ever visit Arizona to make some inquiries about the mines.

From her description of the locality, Mr. Nobmann, who is an old prospector in this county and knows the whole country, readily recognized the neighborhood of the Lost Shaft. Her inquiries, and what little information she was able to impart concerning the richness of her husband's discoveries induced Mr. Nobmann to make another visit to the Lost Shaft.Taking with him John Tilman, one of the oldest settlers in the county and who is an experienced gold miner, and another man whose name our informant had forgotten, Mr. Nobmann left Hackberry about three weeks ago, and immediately upon his arrival at the shaft commenced the work of cleaning it out.

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